Urban studies : border and mobility : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Studies, (ICUS 2017), December 8-9, 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia /

Urban studies : border and mobility : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Studies, (ICUS 2017), December 8-9, 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia / edited by Thor Kerr [and five others]. - 1st - 1 online resource

Selected conference papers.

Borders and mobility in arts, history, and well-being

Comparison of curcumin content and antioxidant activity of turmeric samples collected from Indonesia and Thailand: Considerations for the future sharing of the natural resource
A. Dechakhamphu, J. Junlatat, M. Agil, B. Prajogo and N. Pursariwati

Efficiency of household accounting: A case study of a model village in Thailand
N. Thongprasert and S. Mala

Forecasts for trans-border mobility: A case study of agricultural products imported from Laos to Thailand via the Chong-Mek border
N. Nanthasamroeng

Social class representation: FoodTruck Culinary Surabaya community
R. Rahartika

The Bawean ethnic language: Attitude and diglossic community culture
S.W.B. Utami

Multi-ethnic and religious conflicts in media reported by international online media: http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/statue-of-chinese-god-guan-yu-stokestension-in-indonesia
P. Wibawanto

Demystifying Nusantara
A. Bahroni

Commercial activities and development of the towns in the west side of Banda Sea Indonesia, early twentieth century
L.O. Rabani

Borders and mobility in literature and culture

Remixed Javaneseness: Lyrics of levelling adiluhung non-adiluhung
E.D. Riyanto

The expression of cultural values in Sundanese manuscripts of the Mandala period
H.M. Lyra, D. Indira and T. Muhtadin

Criticisms of the depiction of freedom of characters in Dewi Lestari's novel entitled Supernova: Kesatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh
M.N.A.T. Gemilang

Translation ideology recommendation for translating cultural issues in children comics from English into Indonesian: Crossing the borders between language and culture of SLT and TLT
Nurlaila, M. Nababan, Djatmika and R. Santosa

The director's responses and the shaping of Indonesia's identity in the European film festival funding
R. Ihwanny and M. Budiman

Children in Indonesian cinema during colonialism: The border of cross-identity
S. Wibawa

Mimicking East Asian popular culture products: Temporality of urban global culture in Indonesia
S.M.G. Tambunan

Representation of nostalgia for home in diasporic poetry: An analysis of selected poems of mahtem shiferraw
S. Elias

Returned participants' Perception of the Sarjana Mengajar di Daerah Terluar, Terdepan dan Tertinggal (SM-3T) program
Y.S. Amalia, C.S. Budiono and R. Andini

Capital reconversion practices by Srintil in the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk
T.W. Iswara

Borders and mobility in language and multilingualism

Morphological system of Javanese verbs in the border area of East Java (Tapal Kuda)
A.S. Rohmah, Mahdar and W.A. Sari

Javanese Unggah-Ungguh level used in some rubrics of the Jaya Baya and Panjebar Semangat magazines
B.D.Y. Puteri

The role of language in border relations (Desa Tajungan Kec Kamal, Kab Bangkalan, Madura)
D.R. Sugiharti, Miladiyah and Y.S. Amalia

Indirect criticism in the ethnic Madurese community: Its various semantic formulas, lingual markers, and context of use
E. Jauhari and D. Purnanto

Multilingualism and mobility: Defining borders within Surabaya city through the linguistic cityscape
E. Rusnaningtias

Border or beyond: Dangdut jazz's reception and liminality analysis in the ITS Jazz community
F.Z. Putri and B.A. Sansoko

Culture shifting from wearing sarong to wearing trousers amongst the people of Bangkalan Madura
I. Husna

Linguistic landscapes: A study of human mobility and identity change
K. Artawa and N.W. Sartini

Language transfer in Javanese video clips on YouTube: A sociolinguistic analysis of Cak Ikin's Culoboyo videos
S.D.S. Tungga and T. Suhardijanto

Linguistic landscape as a social identity construction of the public space: The case of Batu District
Y. Indarti

Borders and mobility in education and policies

Policy implementation for fulfilling 30% quota of women's representation in the 2014 legislative member election: A study on the PDI-P and the PPP in Palangka Raya
R.S. Tulis

Empowering SMEs and cooperatives: Export capacity building in the era of AEC trade liberalisation
Koesrianti, D. Puspitawati and N.A. Kurniasari

Development of an exercise program to enhance the ability of students in Thai massage classroom: Considerations for promoting traditional medicine education at national and international levels
K. Peng-ngummuang, K. Noiming, P. Promsit, S. Srisanga and J. Junlatat

Gaming is learning: No more border between children with and without autism spectrum disorder
L.H. Suryawardhani and Y.S. Amalia

Homeschooling as an alternative education system in Surabaya

Borders and mobility in gender, identity, and behaviorism

Environmentalism and consumerism: The contradiction of globalization in behavior consumption of the urban middle class in Surabaya, Indonesia
D.A. Arimbi, N. Wulan and F. Colombijn

The enforcement of state territoriality and shifting on borderlanders' mobility: The case of Indonesia-Malaysia border in Sebatik Island
L. Puryanti

Civil society and the model of Dayak identity struggle in Central Kalimantan: A framework of neo-Gramscian-Tocquevillian analysis
A. Haridison and J.R.A. Sandi

Girl marriage and marginalisation of women in the cities of East Java
E. Susanti

Ajhemo practice among Madurese women and its correlation with independently healthy life behaviour
S. Ratnawati

Muslimah identity on the Wardah Muslim-segmented cosmetic products
N.C. Fajri

Borders and mobility in maritime, spatial movement and locality

Movements around island and waterfront reclamation projects
T. Kerr

Maintaining expressions of prohibition (pamali) as signaling the existence of tengger community's culture
D. Handayani and M. Lutfi

Multiculturalism and local wisdom in the Gilimanuk-Bali community
I.B.P. Manuaba

Cultural capital of traders on Pahing Sunggingan market in Boyolali
J.S. Gumilang, M. Wijaya, B. Haryono and M. Si

"The Legend of Nusantara": Disguising the boundary between locality and globality in Indoeskrim Nusantara's commercial advertisement

Urban environmental quality and human well-being assessment: Towards walkable neighborhood (A case study of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya)
E.T. Sunarti, A.B. Tribhuwaneswari, O.E. Rachmalisa and R.P. Kurniasanti

Trialectic city space based on an immigrant view through urbanisation: A study on settlement migrants in Surabaya city
I.Y.A. Rohmah

The influence of social mobility on cultural values: A case study on Chinese-Indonesians in Surabaya, Indonesia -- preliminary research
R.A. Saputra

Local government capacity in managing fishery conflict in the Indonesia-Malaysia maritime border zone
M.A.P. Sari, M.R.K. Muluk and Sujarwoto

Coffee stall: Politics identity of Cangkrukan
L. Santoso and M.G.R. Pandin

Borders and mobility in media, technology and global research>

9780429017247 0429017243 9780429017254 0429017251 9780429017230 0429017235 9780429507410 0429507410

10.1201/9780429507410 doi

Cities and towns--Congresses.
Sociology, Urban--Congresses.

